Appendix D Status Codes
© National Instruments Corporation D-7 PC-OPDIO-16 User Manual
Table D-1. Status Code Summary (Continued)
Status Code Status Name Description
-195 noNIDAQLibErr Pertains to LabVIEW only.
-196 noNIDAQFuncErr Pertains to LabVIEW only.
-197 incompatibleVISRDErr Incorrect version of VISRD.386 is installed.
-198 port1InLatchedModeErr Unable to configure digital port 0 to be bidirectional because
digital port 1 is in latched mode (DIO-24 only).
-199 invalidMemRegionErr Some or all portions of the DMA data acquisition buffer are in
an invalid DMA region, for example, above 16 megabytes on a
PC AT computer.
-400 fifoModeErr FIFO mode waveform generation cannot be used because at
least one condition is not satisfied.
-401 cannotFreeMemErr Attempted to free memory that is locked.
-402 memNotLockedErr Attemped to unlock memory that is not locked.
-403 invalidWinHandleErr The window handle passed to the function is invalid.
-404 trigEventNotAvailErr Some messaging trigger events are available only in interrupt
driven data acquisition.
-405 memTypeNotSupportedErr The called function does not support XMS or DSP memory
-406 badChanStrErr The string describing a set of channels has an error in syntax or
-407 parseErr There was an error in the chanStr parser.
-408 noSuchMessageErr No configured message matches the one you tried to delete.
-409 badChanTypeErr The channel type specified in chanStr is not supported.
-410 badTrigValErr Returned by the start call (DAQ_Start or SCAN_Start)
when an Event Message of type 1 is configured and
DAQTrigVal0 is not an even divisor of the buffer size in scans;
or returned by Config_DAQ_Event_Message when one or
more trigger parameters are out of range.
-411 notOurDSPHandleErr The called function only supports DSP handles allocated
through NI-DAQ.
-412 NIDAQInternalErr NI-DAQ internal error.
-413 pertrigReorderErr Could not rearrange daya after pretrigger acquisition completed.
-414 badCtrErr Error in counter input.
-415 invalidCtrErr The specified counter cannot be used for this function.
-416 timedMsgInUseErr The analog output timing system is in use by a timed message so
waveform generation and later update mode are unavailable.
-417 invDAQModeTimedMsgErr To use a timed message, the DAQ mode must be set so analog
output uses interrupts.
-418 lptCommunicationErr Protocol error occurred during communication with the PC
parallel port.
-419 multiRateAMUXErr You cannot use multirate scanning with the AMUX-64 or SCXI