
ProSafe XSM7224S Managed Stackable Switch CLI Manual, Software Version 9.0
Switching Commands 3-205
v1.0, November 2010
VLAN tagging must be enabled to carry the 802.1p value through the network. The number of
lossless priorities supported on XSM7224S is 2.
Additionally, the mapping of class-of-service levels to 802.1p priority values to must be set to one-
show datacenter-bridging priority-flow-control
This command displays a summary of the priority flow control configuration for a specified
interface or all interfaces.
(Switch) #show datacenter-bridging priority-flow-control
Port Drop No-Drop State Priorities Priorities
---- ---- ------ -------- -------
1/0/1 1-4,7 5,6 Enabled
1/0/2 1-4,6-7 5 Enabled
1/0/48 1-4,7 5,6 Enabled
Format datacenter-bridging priority-flow-control priority priority-list
{drop | no-drop}
Mode Interface Config
Default drop
Format show datacenter-bridging priority-flow-control [interface <unit/
Mode Privileged EXEC