
ProSafe XSM7224S Managed Stackable Switch CLI Manual, Software Version 9.0
Quality of Service (QoS) Commands 5-6
v1.0, November 2010
The last precedence applies to all non-TCP traffic. For example, in a 3-color system, four of each
parameter specified: green TCP, yellow TCP, red TCP, and non-TCP, respectively.
no random-detect queue-parms
Use this command to set the WRED configuration back to the default.
This command specifies the maximum transmission bandwidth limit for the interface as a whole.
Also known as rate shaping, traffic shaping has the effect of smoothing temporary traffic bursts
over time so that the transmitted traffic rate is bounded.
no traffic-shape
This command restores the interface shaping rate to the default value.
Format random-detect queue-parms queue-id-1 [queue-id-2 … queue-id-n]
minthresh thresh-prec-1 … thresh-prec-n max-thresh thresh-prec-1 …
threshprec-n drop-probability prob-prec-1 … prob-prec-n
Modes Global Config
Interface Config
Format no random-detect queue-parms queue-id-1 [queue-id-2 … queue-id-n]
Modes Global Config
Interface Config
Format traffic-shape <bw>
Modes Global Config
Interface Config
Format no traffic-shape
Modes Global Config
Interface Config