4.3.9 End Device Setup (continued)
The End Device Setup Page is for configuring the End Device parameters such
as Name and Update Rate.
Non zero update rate will enable success calculation and lost detection features.
Update rate should reflect the actual blinking interval in order to enhance the
accuracy of success calculation and lost detection.
#: End Device ID/address configured on the End Device. Click on the number
(1 to 8) to view device and modify End Device Parameters.
Name: Name of an End Device shows on the “Readings” and “Chart” pages,
this is a text field and can take up to 8 alphanumeric characters.
Update: How often an End Device sends its data to the Meter.
Access: Each check box controls whether or not readings from the End Device
will be outputted. If unchecked, the reading from the End Device will not be
displayed on the “Readings” and “Chart” pages nor it will be reported through
Each End Device has two access boxes assigned: the first is for the external
(process) sensor, and the second is for the internal (ambient) sensor.
Units: Type of data and the corresponding units. Units of measurement from
sensors inside an End Device that has joined the network will be displayed.
[ºC or ºF].
Remote Format: Modified on the End Device Parameters page.
End Char: Modified on the End Device Parameters page.
Display: Modified on the End Device Parameters page.
Alarm: Modified on the End Device Parameters page.
Update: After checking/unchecking the boxes, make sure this is clicked to save
the changes.