4.4 Telnet Setup
In the “Network Setup” page, under the Terminal Server section, set the TCP
Connections to 1 - 5 other than 0, and use a telnet emulation program to
connect to the Meter (using Port 2000). The command can be sent to query the
Meter and get a response back.
Table 4.1 List of Commands (01 indicates End Device #1)
Command Description Response
*SR01a\r Reading from Sensor1 (process) 66F
*SR01b\r Reading from Sensor2 (ambient) 68F
*SR01e\r Readings from Sensor1 66F
and Sensor2 68F
*SR01f\r Sequence number (0-255) 90
*SR01g\r Sensor TC type 230
*SR01h\r Signal strength (0-100%) 49
*SR01i\r Success rate (0-100%) 100
*SR01j\r Battery voltage (mV) 2810
*SR01k\r Device status (hex, msb on the left hand side)
12th bit: set to enable control
8th bit: set to enable display
7th bit: set when Open detected 1100
6th bit: set when Lost detected
0 bit: set when device is in identification mode;
otherwise it is in running mode
*SR01l\r Expected sample rate in seconds 120
(also known as update time)
*SR01m\r Firmware version 1.0
*SR01n\r Name Conf Room
*SR01o\r Readings from Sensor1 in Celsius 19
*SR01p\r Readings from Sensor2 in Celsius 20
*SR00z\r Display all information
1 230 P66 F A68 F 90 49 100 2810 1100 120 Conf Room
2 230 P69 F A69 F 80 44 100 2810 1100 120 Engr Lab
6 230 P72 F A73 F 173 75 100 3110 1100 120 Server Room
7 230 P70 F A72 F 202 72 100 3450 1100 120 Clean Room