OME-A-826PG Software Manual [Win 95/98/NT]
3.5 AD, Interrupt functions
3.5.1 A826_InstallIrq
z Description:
This subroutine will install interrupt handler for a specific IRQ level n.
z Syntax:
WORD A826_InstallIrq(WORD wBase, WORD wIrq,
HANDLE *hEvent, DWORD dwCount );
z Parameter:
wBase : [Input] The I/O port base address for A826 card.
wIrq : [Input] The IRQ level .
hEvent : [Input] The handle of event object that created by user.
dwCount : [Input] The desired A/D entries count for interrupt transfer.
z Return Value:
NoError : successful
InstallIrqError: fail in install IRQ handler.
3.5.2 A826_AD_INT_Start
z Description:
This subroutine will start the interrupt transfer for a specific A/D channel
and programming the gain code and sampling rate..
z Syntax:
WORD A826_AD_INT_Start(WORD Ch, WORD Gain, WORD c1, Word c2 )
z Parameter:
Ch : [Input] the A/D channel.
Gain : [Input] the Gain
c1,c2 : [Input] the sampling rate is 2M/(c1*c2)
z Return Value:
NoError : successful
INTStartError : fail
Date: Aug-15-2000 Ver: 2.2 Page 44