OME-A-826PG Software Manual [Win 95/98/NT]
3.6 AD , DMA functions
The DMA mechanism supports the Windows 95/98 only.
3.6.1 A826_AD_DMA_InstallIrq
z Description:
This subroutine will install interrupt handler for a specific IRQ Level n and
programming a DMA controller (8237) to handle DMA transfer for DMA Channel
n. Usually, when a DMA transfer finished, a associated IRQ level n occur.
z Syntax:
WORD A826_AD_DMA_InstallIrq(WORD wBase, WORD wIrq, WORD
wDmaChannel );
z Parameter:
wBase : [Input] the I/O port base address for A826 card.
wIrq : [Input] the IRQ level n.
wDmaChannel : [Input] the DMA channel.
Usuallly, the wDmaChannel is 1 or 3.
z Return Value:
NoError : successful in installing the handler
InstallDMAIrqError : failure
3.6.2 A826_AD_DMA_RemoveIrq
z Description:
This subroutine will remove the interrupt handler installed by.
z Syntax:
WORD A826_AD_DMA_RemoveIrq(void )
z Parameter:
z Return Value:
NoError : successful
RemoveDmaIrqError : failure
Date: Aug-15-2000 Ver: 2.2 Page 49