When commands are issued to the host computer, the data is transmitted in one
direction from the PC to the host computer. If a response to a command is re-
quired use a host link communications command to write the response from the
host computer to the PC.
11-2 Command and Response Formats
This section explains the formats for the commands and responses that are ex-
changed in host link communications.
11-2-1 Commands from the Host Computer
When a command is issued from the host computer, the command and re-
sponse formats are as shown below.
Command Format When transmitting a command from the host computer, prepare the command
data in the format shown below.
x 10
x 10
: ↵
Node no. Header
Text Terminator
An “@” symbol must be placed at the beginning.
Node No.
Identifies the PC communicating with the host computer.
Specify the node number set for the PC in the PC Setup (DM 6648, DM 6653).
Header Code
Set the 2-character command code.
Set the command parameters.
Set a 2-character Frame Check Sequence code. See page 405.
Set two characters, “:” and the carriage return (CHR$(13)) to indicate the end
of the command.
Response Format The response from the PC is returned in the format shown below. Prepare a pro-
gram so that the response data can be interpreted and processed.
x 10
x 10
x 16
x 16
: ↵
Node no. Header
End code Text Terminator
@, Node No., Header Code
Contents identical to those of the command are returned.
End Code
The completion status of the command (e.g., whether or not an error has oc-
curred) is returned.
Text is returned only when there is data such as read data.
FCS, Terminator
Refer to the corresponding explanations under “Command Format”.
Command and Response Formats
Section 11-2