whether DM 1000 to DM 1999 or DM 7000 to 7999 will be used. Refer to
PC Setup
for details.
Unit Addresses
0 DM 1000 to DM 1099 or DM 7000 to DM 7099
1 DM 1100 to DM 1199 or DM 7100 to DM 7199
2 DM 1200 to DM 1299 or DM 7200 to DM 7299
3 DM 1300 to DM 1399 or DM 7300 to DM 7399
4 DM 1400 to DM 1499 or DM 7400 to DM 7499
5 DM 1500 to DM 1599 or DM 7500 to DM 7599
6 DM 1600 to DM 1699 or DM 7600 to DM 7699
7 DM 1700 to DM 1799 or DM 7700 to DM 7799
8 DM 1800 to DM 1899 or DM 7800 to DM 7899
9 DM 1900 to DM 1999 or DM 7900 to DM 7999
Note These DM words can be used for other purposes when not allocated to Special
I/O Units.
3-6-3 Error History Area
DM 6000 to DM 6030 are used to store up to 10 records that show the nature,
time, and date of errors that have occurred in the PC.
The Error History Area will store system-generated or FAL(06)/FALS(07)-gener-
ated error codes whenever AR 0715 (Error History Enable Bit) is ON. Refer to
Section 10 Troubleshooting
for details on error codes.
Area Structure Error records occupy three words each stored between DM 6001 and DM 6030.
The last record that was stored can be obtained via the content of DM 6000 (Er-
ror Record Pointer). The record number, DM words, and pointer value for each of
the ten records are as follows:
Record Addresses Pointer value
None N.A. 0000
1 DM 6001 to DM 6003 0001
2 DM 6004 to DM 6006 0002
3 DM 6007 to DM 6009 0003
4 DM 6010 to DM 6012 0004
5 DM 6013 to DM 6015 0005
6 DM 6016 to DM 6018 0006
7 DM 6019 to DM 6021 0007
8 DM 6022 to DM 6024 0008
9 DM 6025 to DM 6027 0009
10 DM 6028 to DM 6030 000A
Although each of them contains a different record, the structure of each record is
the same: the first word contains the error code; the second and third words, the
day and time. The error code will be either one generated by the system or by
FAL(06)/FALS(07); the time and date will be the date and time from AR 18 and
AR 19 (Calender/date Area). Also recorded with the error code is an indication of
whether the error is fatal (08) or non-fatal (00). This structure is shown below.
Word Bit Content
First 00 to 07 Error code
08 to 15 00 (non-fatal) or 80 (fatal)
Second 00 to 07 Seconds
08 to 15 Minutes
Third 00 to 07 Hours
08 to 15 Day of month
DM Area Section 3-6