
PPP configuration task list 320
SmartWare Software Configuration Guide 30 • PPP configuration
Mode: Configure
Step Command Purpose
1 node(cfg) #port ethernet slot port Enters Ethernet port configuration mode for the
interface on slot and port
2 node (prt-eth)[slot/port]# encapsulation
Defines the payload type(s) to be used on the
‘ip’: IP traffic only (not used for PPP)
‘pppoe’: PPPoE sessions only
‘multi’: both IP traffic and PPPoE sessions
3 node (prt-eth)[slot/port]# [no] bind inter-
face name [router ]
Binds the Ethernet port to the IP interface to be
used for the direct IP traffic (only required if
encapsulation ‘ip’ or ‘multi’ is selected)
4 node(prt-eth)[slot/port]#[no] shutdown Enables the ethernet port
5 node(prt-eth)[slot/port]#pppoe Enters PPPoE mode
6 node(pppoe)[slot/port]#session name Creates PPPoE session with the name name
7 node(pppoe)[slot/port]# [no] bind inter-
face name [router]
node (pppoe)[slot/port]# [no] bind sub-
scriber name
Binds the PPPoE session directly to the IP inter-
face name in case no authentication is required
Binds the PPPoE session to the PPP subscriber
name in case authentication is required
node (pppoe)[slot/port]# [no] use profile
ppp name
Assigns a PPP profile other than the default pro-
file to this PPPoE session
node(session)[name]#service Service-
Defines the tag ‘Service-Name’ to be supplied
with Active Discovery in order to identify the
desired remote peer (check whether the remote
peer supports this feature)
tor AC-Name
The Active Discovery only accepts the PPPoE ses-
sion if the remote peer provides tag ‘AC-Name’
with its Active Discovery Offer as specified. This
allows to identify the desired remote peer
11 node(session)[name]#[no] shutdown Initiates the establishment of the PPPoE session
and the PPP connection