
Location Service configuration task list 621
SmartWare Software Configuration Guide 51 • Location Service
Mode: Message inbound
Mode: Message inbound
Mode: Message inbound
Mode: Message inbound
Mode: Message inbound
Step Command Purpose
1 [node](msgin)#[no] message server <host>
Configures the address of the message server to
send your subscription requests for explicit sub-
scription. When no message-server is configured,
the subscription requests are sent to the first
domain entry in the location-service.
Step Command Purpose
1 [node](msgin)#[no] lifetime <seconds> Configures the desired lifetime of the explicit sub-
scription. When no lifetime is configured the
desired lifetime is set to 3600 seconds.
Step Command Purpose
1 [node](msgin)#[no] retry-timeout (on-cli-
ent-error | on-system-error | on-server-
error] <seconds>
Configures the time to wait after a failed subscrip-
tion according to three different error categories.
After this time we begin to subscribe from new. If
no retry-timeout is configured the retry-timeout is
set to 10 seconds.
Step Command Purpose
1 [node](msgin)#proxy <host> [<port>]
[node](msgin)#proxy <index> <host>
[<port>] [strict-route]
[node](msgin)#proxy before <index>
<host> [<port>] [strict-route]
[node](msgin)#proxy after <index> <host>
[<port>] [strict-route]
Adds a new proxy entry to the message inbound
face. For each proxy configured there is a route-
header added to the SUBSCRIBE requests in
explicit subscription. If more than one proxy entry
has to be entered, the order of the list can be mod-
ified by using the index and/or the insert key-
words before and after.
Step Command Purpose
1 [node](msgin)#proxy none Removes all proxy entries and disables explicitly
the use of a proxy.