Failsafe Timer Functionality
The Failsafe Timer tab configures the I/O failsafe timer. The Failsafe Timer is enabled on a global
basis and provides a trigger mechanism that can be configured for each channel when no I/O traffic
has occurred for the specified amount of time. This traffic information would include any statistical
data updates based on the refresh timer for Statistics. A Failsafe Action can be configured for each
Digital Output channel, each Serial Signal Output pin (DTR and RTS), and each Relay channel to
either Activate or Deactivate the output.
The Failsafe Timer has a different function when I/O Extension is enabled for Digital Output
channels, Relay channels, or the Serial Signal Output pins (DTR and RTS). For I/O Extension, the
Failsafe Timer provides a per channel or per serial signal output pin trigger mechanism that is
activated when there are no TCP sessions for the specified amount of time.
Field Descriptions
Configure the following parameters:
Enable I/O Failsafe
Enables/disables the Failsafe Timer. This is the global setting that must be
enabled to set the Failsafe Action on the channel for digital output and relay
channels or output signal pins. When this timer expires because of no I/O
activity within the specified time interval, the Failsafe Action set for the
channel determines the action on the output. When the channel or serial signal
pin is configured for I/O extension, the timer expires there are no TCP sessions
for the specified time interval.
Default: Disabled
Timeout The number of seconds that must elapse before the channel/serial signal pin
Failsafe Action is triggered.
Range: 1-9999
Default: 30 seconds