Serial Port Profiles
This entry is disabled since Direction is set to Disabled.
General Tab Field Descriptions
Configure the following parameters:
Listen for
connections on
UDP port
The IOLAN will listen for UDP packets on the specified port.
Default: 1000+<port-number> (for example, 10001 for serial port 1)
Direction The direction in which information is received or relayed:
z Disabled—UDP service not enabled.
z LAN to Serial—This setting will allow UDP data to be received from one
or more hosts on the LAN and forwarded to the serial device attached to
this serial port.
z Serial to LAN—This setting will allow data originating from the serial
device attached to this serial port to be sent to one or more hosts on the
LAN using UDP datagrams.
z Both—Allows for data to flow from the serial device to the LAN and from
the LAN to the serial device.
Default: Both for UDP 1 and Disabled for all other UDP ranges
Start IP Address The first host IP address in the range of IP addresses (for IPv4 or IPv6) that the
IOLAN will listen for messages from and/or send messages to.
Field Format: IPv4 or IPv6 address
End IP Address The last host IP address in the range of IP addresses (for IPv4, not supported
for IPv6) that the IOLAN will listen for messages from and/or send messages
Field Format: IPv4 address
UDP Port Determines how the IOLAN’s UDP port that will send/receive UDP messages
is defined:
z Auto Learn—The IOLAN will only listen to the first port that it receives a
UDP packet from. Applicable when
Direction is set to LAN to Serial or
z Any Port—The IOLAN will receive messages from any port sending UDP
packets. Applicable when
Direction is set to LAN to Serial.
z Port—The port that the IOLAN will use to relay messages to
servers/hosts. This option works with any
Direction except Disabled. The
IOLAN will listen for UDP packets on the port configured by the Listen
for connections on UDP port
Default: Auto Learn