IOLAN SDS/SCS/STS/MDC User’s Guide, Version 4.5 315
Configuring the System Chapter 13
This chapter describes the alerts (email and syslog) that can be configured
for the IOLAN and the advanced options (SNMP, time, custom
applications/plugins, and other miscellaneous configuration options) that
you will want to look at to see if they are required for your implementation.
Email Alerts
Email notification can be set at the Server and/or Line levels. You can set email notification at these
levels because it is possible that the person who administers the IOLAN might not be the same person
who administers the serial device(s) attached to the IOLAN port. Therefore, email notification can be
sent to the proper person(s) responsible for the hardware.
Email notification requires an SMTP host that is accessible by the IOLAN to process the email
messages sent by the IOLAN. When you enable email notification at the Server level, you can also
use those settings at the serial port level, or you can configure email notification specifically for each
serial port. When you choose an event
Level, you are selecting the lowest notification level; for
example, if you select
Level Error, you will get notifications for all events that trigger Error, Critical,
Alert, and Emergency messages. The level order, from most inclusive to least inclusive, is as
follows: Debug, Info, Notice, Warning, Error, Critical, Alert, Emergency.
The following events trigger an email notification on the System for the specified Level:
z Reboot, Alert Level
z IOLAN System Failure, Error Level
z Authentication Failure, Notice Level
z Successful Login, Downloads (all), Configuration Save Commands, Info Level