More Driving Tips and Techniques Operating Instructions
– 98 – Y53-6008
Medium Duty (R10/06)
WARNING! Low air pressure could make the
brakes unsafe for driving. Before driving the
vehicle, make sure the pressure does pump
up to over 100 psi for normal brake operation.
If the air pressure does not pump up to at
least 100 psi, don’t try to move the vehicle.
CAUTION: Operating a vehicle with air sus-
pension bags either overinflated or underin-
flated may cause damage to driveline
components. If a vehicle must be operated
under such conditions, do not exceed 5 mph.
Driving Tips And Techniques
This section covers additional driving tips and techniques
on how to drive your vehicle more efficiently. For further
information, read the American Trucking Association's
(ATA) Truck Driver's Handbook. It will give you more tips
on starting, shifting, and driving your vehicle.
WARNING! Do not coast with the transmis-
sion in neutral or with the clutch pedal
depressed—it is a dangerous practice. With-
out the use of the retarding power of the driv-
etrain, your vehicle can reach dangerous
speeds. At very high speeds you may not be
able to put the transmission in any gear. At
high speeds you could seriously damage your
vehicle or cause an accident when you put the
transmission in gear. The engine speed could
exceed the maximum governed speed and
cause a serious accident due to mechanical
Do not coast with the transmission in neutral or with the
clutch pedal depressed. Besides being illegal and danger-
ous, coasting is also expensive. It causes premature fail-
ure or damage to the clutch and transmission and
overloads the brake system.
Coasting with the transmission in neutral also prevents
proper transmission component lubrication. During coast-
ing the transmission is driven by the rear wheels, and the