Introduction Preventive Maintenance
– 118 – Y53-6008
Medium Duty (R10/06)
tive harm. This warning requirement is mandated by Cal-
ifornia law (Proposition 65) and does not result from any
change in the manner in which Peterbilt Motors Com-
pany trucks are manufactured.
WARNING! Handle lubricants carefully. Vehicle
lubricants (oil and grease) can be poisonous
and cause sickness.
How to Order Parts
Replacement parts can be ordered through your local Peter-
bilt Dealer. For service parts information, two parts catalogs
are also available, the Medium Duty Operator's Parts Catalog
and the Peterbilt Electronic Parts Catalog (ECAT). When
ordering replacement parts, please provide the Medium Duty
Chassis Serial Number. See Page 228
Operator's Parts Catalog a complete, non-illustrated listing
of the Final Chassis Bill of Material. It includes all parts used
to custom-build your Medium Duty.
Electronic Parts Catalog a complete illustrated parts listing
for your specific vehicle, with drawings and exploded views,
available only in electronic CD–ROM format.