
Bluetooth QuickStart Kit Version 1.0 - User’s Guide Page 41
Copyright 2004-2005 © Embedded Artists AB
[in] pTcb - control block for an established connection.
[in] pData - data to send
[in] len - length of data
One of the following error codes:
Possible error situations (what can be identified in an error code):
TCP_OK - no errors
TCP_NULL_POINTER - pTcb or pData is NULL.
TCP_NOT_CONNECTED - connection is not established.
TCP_OUT_OF_BUF - the stack is out of buffers.
TCP_LEN_ZERO - the specified length parameter is zero.
B.2.10 tcpRegSentCallb
void tcpRegSentCallb( tTcpTcb* pTcb, void (*pSent)(tTcpTcb*
pTcb, void* p) )
Registers a callback function that will be called when sent data has been acknowledged.
It is now safe to deallocate the sent data if it was dynamically allocated. Supplied with
the callback is the control block for the connection through which the data was sent and
a pointer to the sent data. This is the same pointer as was supplied with the tcpSend call
[in] pTcb - an allocated control block
[in] pSent - function pointer to the sent callback
Parameters to (*pSent):
[in] pTcb - the control block
[in] p - pointer to the data that was supplied with the send call.
B.2.11 tcpClose
void tcpClose( tTcpTcb* pTcb )
Close down a connection. If it is an established connection that is closed, the control
block will not be de-allocated immediately. According to the TCP protocol it can take up
several minutes.
[in] pTcb - control block for the connection to close.
B.2.12 udpNewTcb
tUdpTcb* udpNewTcb( void )