Bluetooth QuickStart Kit Version 1.0 - User’s Guide Page 56
Copyright 2004-2005 © Embedded Artists AB
Possible error situations (what can be identified in an error code):
FAT_OK - The function completed successfully.
FAT_ERROR_A_FOLDER – The entry did not point to a file.
B.4.11 fatGetEntryName
tFatResult fatGetEntryName( tFatDirEntry* pFatDirEntry, tU8**
ppFilename )
Returns the name of the specified entry. The name will be encoded in Unicode (two
bytes per character).
Note: The returned ppFilename must NOT be modified or freed.
[in] pFatDirEntry – The entry to extract the name from
[out] ppFilename – Will contain the filename
FAT_OK if a entry was valid, otherwise an error code
Possible error situations (what can be identified in an error code):
FAT_OK - The function completed successfully.
B.4.12 fatCreateDir
tFatResult fatCreateDir( const tU8* pPath )
This function creates a new directory with the specified absolute path. This operation can
fail for a number of reasons. E.g. if a file or folder with that name already exists.
[in] pPath – An absolute path to the new directory.
FAT_OK the directory was created, otherwise an error code
Possible error situations (what can be identified in an error code):
FAT_OK - The function completed successfully.
FAT_ERROR_EXISTS - There is already a folder matching the pPath
FAT_ERROR_A_FILE - There is a file matching the pPath
FAT_ERROR_FS_NOT_INITIALIZED – The file system has not been initialized.
FAT_ERROR_READ_ONLY - The file system is read-only
B.4.13 fatDeleteDir
tFatResult fatDeleteDir( const tU8* pPath )
This function deletes the specified directory if and only if it is empty.
[in] pPath – An absolute path to the directory to remove.
FAT_OK the directory was removed, otherwise an error code