
Input Type: (1) An
open circuit closes,
(2) a closed circuit
opens, or
(3) temperature
limits are
Recognition Time:
Recognition Time:
Valid Alarm:
Call Delay:
Alarm Message:
Audible, On-site
Local Voice Mute:
Model 1108 User’s Manual
I.Model 1108 Detects a Change at the Sensor Variable Factors
•Model 1108 detects a change in the
monitored condition (from the sensor
wired to one of the inputs). This is
considered an alert condition, and does
not qualify as a valid alarm at this point.
• The condition continues throughout the
programmed Recognition Time. If the
condition (or sensor) reverts to its normal
state before the Recognition Time is
reached, no alarm will occur.
•The condition must persist long enough to
meet or exceed the programmed
Recognition Time. When Recognition
Time has expired, but the alert condition
continues, the Model 1108 will determine
that a valid alarm exists.
•When a valid alarm is determined, Call
Delay is activated, forcing the Model
1108 to wait for a programmed period of
time before starting the dial-out process.
Call Delay applies to the period just prior
to dial-out, before the first telephone call
is made.
Call Delay provides the opportunity to
cancel a valid alarm at the Model 1108’s
installation site, before dial-out occurs.
An audible voice message indicates which
of the inputs is in alarm. If on-site
personnel acknowledge the alarm within
the Call Delay time, the Model 1108 will
not dial out. (Local Voice Mute is
disabled, so that alarm messages can be
heard at the site.)
II. A Valid Alarm Is Recognized Variable Factors