DJS Ver. 1.600
Other Functions Table of Functions
Display Available HD Displays the free hard disk space.
Mute Button Toggles the mute function ON or OFF.
Volume Fader Adjusts the volume. If you right click, it becomes positioned in the middle of its
Volume +/- Buttons Turns the volume up or down.
Entire Waveform Display Moves the playback position (replay bar) to the point clicked.
Expanded Range Frame Displayed in the entire waveform display and indicates the position of the expanded
waveform display.
Beat Guideline Displays the unit of the beat.
Track Hot CUE Tag If you drag further left than the tag, it changes the loop in setting and the expanded
waveform frame, & it changes the expanded waveform. If you drag further right than
the tag, it changes the loop in setting and the expanded waveform frame, & it changes
the expanded waveform.
Track Hot CUE/
Loop In (1-4)
Dragging this sets the loop in point.
Loop Out (1-4) Dragging this sets the loop out point.
Track Hot CUE Button Settings Made: Click and the playback position jumps to the track hot cue.
Not Set: Drag and drop onto the waveform to set the track hot cue and stop the
automatic scrolling of the expanded waveform.
Renum Button When Loop is Selected: Renumbers the loop in numbers from the selected song.
×1/2 Button When a Loop is Selected: Cuts the selected loop in half.
×2 Button When a Loop is Selected: Doubles the selected loop.
Clear Button When a Loop is Selected: Clears the selected loop.
When a Cue is Selected: Clears the selected cue.
Guide Adjust Slider Sets how often the beat line is drawn in the expanded waveform. If you right click, it
becomes positioned in the middle of its range (1-bit).
Guide ADJ +/- Button Increases or decreases the time between drawing the beat line in the expanded
Snap Button Toggles the Snap mode ON or OFF.
Display Expanded
Zooms in on a part of the entire waveform display.
Moves the playback position (replay bar) to the point clicked.
Wave Zoom +/- Buttons Expands or shrinks the expanded waveform frame.
Save Button Overwrites track hot cues and Saves/Saves as MP3 files.
* If the remaining copies is 0, it cannot be saved as MP3 files.
* Saves it as an MP3 file when a song is displayed in the Ripping function. (Track hot
cues cannot be overwritten.)