DJS Ver. 1.600
Appendix Troubleshooting
List of Genre Names (Default Category)
*Refer to ‘9-7 Category Settings’ P.108 for information about the genre default display and adding a
new genre.
Genre Name (English) Genre Name (French)
Acapella A Capella
Acid Acide
Acid Jazz Jazz Acide
Acid Punk Punk Acide
Acoustic Acoustique
Adult Contemporary Contemporain Adulte
Alternative Alternatif
Alternative Rock Rock Alternatif
Ambient Ambient
Avantgarde Avant-Garde
Ballad Ballade
Bass Bass
Beat Beat
Bebop Bebop
Big Band Big Band
Black Metal Black Métal
Bluegrass Bluegrass
Blues Blues
Booty Bass Booty Bass
Brit Pop Pop Brit
Cabaret Cabaret
Celtic Celtique
Chamber Music Musique Chambre
Chanson Chanson
Children Music Musique Enfants
Chorus Chorus
Christian Gangsta Rap Gangsta Rap Chrétien
Christian Rap Rap Chrétien
Christian Rock Rock Chrétien
Classic Rock Rock Classique
Classical Classique
Club Club
Club-House Club-House
Comedy Comédie
Contemporary Christian Chrétien Contemporain
Country Country
Crossover Mélange de genres
Cult Culte
Dance Dance
Dance-Hall Dance-Hall
Darkwave Darkwave
Death Metal Death Métal
Disco Disco
Dream Dream
Drumn’ Bass Drum’n Bass
Drum Solo Drum Solo
Duet Duo
Easy Listening Easy Listening
Electronic Électronique
Erotic Érotique
Ethnic Ethnique
Eurodance Eurodance
Euro-House Euro-House
Euro-Techno Euro-Techno
Fast Fusion Fast Fusion
Folk Folk
Folk-Rock Folk-Rock
Folklore Folklore
Freestyle Freestyle
Funk Funk
Fusion Fusion
Game Jeu
Gangsta Rap Gangsta Rap
Goa Goa
Gospel Gospel
Gothic Gothique
Gothic Rock Rock Gothique
Grunge Grunge
Hard Rock Hard Rock
Hardcore Hardcore
Heavy Metal Heavy Métal
Hip Hop Hip Hop
House House
Humor Humeur
Indie Indépendant
Industrial Industriel
Instrumental Instrumental
Instrumental Pop Pop Instrumental
Genre Name (English) Genre Name (French)