Administrator’s Guide - SoundPoint
IP / SoundStation
IP Optimization
Copyright © 2006 Polycom, Inc. 107 Ring type <ringType/>
Ring type is used to define a simple class of ring to be applied based on some creden-
tials that are usually carried within the network protocol. The ring class includes
attributes such as call-waiting and ringer index, if appropriate. The ring class can use
one of four types of ring that are defined as follows:
In the following table, x is the ring class number. The x index needs to be sequential.
7 welcome (boot up)
ring Play a specified ring pattern or call waiting indication.
visual Provide only a visual indication (no audio indication) of incoming call (no
ringer needs to be specified).
Provide auto-answer on incoming call
a. Note that auto-answer on incoming call is currently only applied if there is no other
call in progress on the phone at the time.
Provide auto answer on incoming call after a ring period
Attribute Permitted Values Interpretation
se.rt.enabled 0,1 Set to 1 to enable the ring type feature within
the phone, 0 otherwise.
se.rt.modification.enabled 0,1 Set to 1 to allow user modification through
local user interface of the pre-defined ring
type enabled for modification
se.rt.x.name UTF-8 encoded string Used for identification purposes in the user
se.rt.x.type ring OR visual OR
answer OR ring-
As defined in table above.
se.rt.x.ringer integer - only relevant
if the type is set to
‘ring’ or ‘ring-answer’
The ringer index to be used for this class of
ring. The ringer index should match one of Ringer Patterns on page 105.
se.rt.x.callWait integer - only relevant
if the type is set to
‘ring’ or ‘ring-answer’
The call waiting index to be used for this
class of ring. The call waiting index should
match one defined in Call
Progress Patterns on page 105.
pattern number
Use within phone