Administrator’s Guide - SoundPoint
IP / SoundStation
IP Optimization
Copyright © 2006 Polycom, Inc. 129 Presence <presence/>
The parameter pres.reg is the line number used to send SUBSCRIBE. If this parameter
is missing, the phone will use the primary line to send SUBSCRIBE. Fonts <font/>
This section does not apply to the SoundPoint
IP 300 and 301 phones.
These settings control the phone’s ability to dynamically load an external font file dur-
ing boot up. Loaded fonts can either overwrite pre-existing fonts embedded within the
software (not recommended) or can extend the phone’s font support for Unicode
ranges not already embedded. The font file must be a Microsoft .fnt or .fon
file for-
mat. The font file name must follow a specific pattern as described:
• Font file name: <fontName>_<fontHeightInPixels>_<fontRange>.<fontExtension>
• <fontName> is a free string of characters that typically carries the meaning of
the font. Examples are “fontFixedSize” for a fixed-size font, or “fontPropor
tionalSize” for a proportional size font.
• <fontHeightInPixels> describes the font height in number of screen pixels.
• <fontRange> describes the Unicode range covered by this font. Since .fnt or
.fon are 256 characters based blocks, the <fontRange> is Uxx00_UxxFF (.fnt
file) or Uxx00_UyyFF (.fon file). For more information, refer to
3.5.1 Multilin-
gual User Interface on page 61.
• <fontExtension> describes the file type. Either .fnt for single 256 characters
font or .fon for multiple .fnt files.
Default Interpretation
pres.reg positive
1 Specifies the line/registration
number used to send SUB-
SCRIBE for presence. Must be
a valid line/registration num-
ber. If the number is not a valid
line/registration number, it is
9. .fon file format is a collection of .fnt fonts grouped together within a single file.