Chapter 16-Network Services
Polycom, Inc. 16-21
14 Click the Security tab.
15 Modify the following fields:
If the Authentication User Name and Authentication Password fields are left empty, the SIP
Digest authentication request is rejected. For registration without authentication, the
RMX must be registered as a trusted entity on the SIP server.
Table 16-11 Default IP Network Service – Security (SIP Digest)
Field Description
SIP Authentication Select to enable SIP server authentication.
These fields can
contain up to 20
ASCII characters.
User Name Enter the conference, Entry Queue or Meeting
Room name as registered with the proxy.
Password Enter the conference, Entry Queue or Meeting
Room password as defined with the proxy.
H.323 Authentication Select to enable H.323 server authentication.
User Name Enter the conference, Entry Queue or Meeting
Room name as registered with the proxy.
Password Enter the conference, Entry Queue or Meeting
Room password as defined with the proxy.