Chapter 22-System Configuration Flags
Polycom, Inc. 22-27
FORCE_G711A Setting this flag forces the use of the G711A Audio Codec.
Possible values: YES / NO
Default: NO
FORCE_RESOLUTION Use this flag to specify IP (H.323 and SIP) endpoint types that
cannot receive wide screen resolution and that were not
automatically identified as such by the RMX.
Possible values are endpoint types, each type followed by a
semicolon. For example, when disabling Wide screen
resolution in an HDX endpoint enter the following string: HDX;
Note: Use this flag when the flag SEND_WIDE_RES_TO_IP
is set to YES.
This flag supports Tandberg MXP mode of sending and
receiving video by IP endpoint in HD 720p resolution and
Video Quality set to Motion. This mode is not supported for
ISDN endpoints.
Default value: Tandberg MXP.
To disable this flag, enter NONE.
G728_IP Enables or disables declaration of G.728 Audio Algorithm
capabilities in IP calls.
Range: YES / NO
Default: NO
G728_ISDN Enables or disables declaration of G.728 Audio Algorithm
capabilities in ISDN calls.
Range: YES / NO
Default: NO
When the flag is set to NO, the RMX only verifies that the
endpoint supports the Content protocols: Up to H.264 or
When set to YES, the RMX checks frame rate, resolution and
all other parameters of the Content mode as declared by an
endpoint before receiving or transmitting Content.
Default: NO.
Not supported from Version 7.0.2.
Prior to Version 7.0.2, this flag set the minimum bitrate
threshold for endpoints that did not support H.264 High Profile
for CIF60 resolution using Motion Video Quality.
Default: 256kbps
Not supported from Version 7.0.2.
Prior to Version 7.0.2, this flag set the minimum bitrate
threshold for endpoints that did not support H.264 High Profile
for HD1080P30 resolution using Sharpness Video Quality.
Default: 1536kbps
Table 22-2 Manually Added System Flags – MCMS_PARAMETERS (Continued)
Flag Description