Configuration Files
A - 117
This attribute also includes:
• Digit Map <digitmap/>
• Routing <routing/>
Digit Map <digitmap/>
For more information on digit map syntax, refer to Digit Map <digitmap/> on
page A-18.
dialplan.x.applyToUserDial 0, 1 1 When present, and if
is not
Null, this attribute overrides the
global dial plan defined in the
sip.cfg configuration file.
For interpretation, refer to Dial
Plan <dialplan/> on page A-17.
dialplan.x.applyToUserSend 0, 1 1 When present, and if
is not
Null, this attribute overrides the
global dial plan defined in the
sip.cfg configuration file.
For interpretation, refer to Dial
Plan <dialplan/> on page A-17.
dialplan.x.impossibleMatchHandling 0, 1 or 2 0 When present, and if
is not
Null, this attribute overrides the
global dial plan defined in the
sip.cfg configuration file.
For interpretation, refer to Dial
Plan <dialplan/> on page A-17.
dialplan.x.removeEndOfDial 0, 1 1 When present, and if
is not
Null, this attribute overrides the
global dial plan defined in the
sip.cfg configuration file.
For interpretation, refer to Dial
Plan <dialplan/> on page A-17.
Values Default Interpretation