Administrator’s Guide SoundPoint IP / SoundStation IP
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Product, Model, and Part Number Mapping
In SIP 2.1.2, enhancements to the master configuration file were made to allow
you to direct phone upgrades to a software image and configuration files
based on phone model number, firmware part number, or MAC address.
The part number specific version has precedence over the model number
version, which has precedence over the original version. For example,
sip_2345-11605-001.cfg” will override
CONFIG_FILES_SPIP601=”phone1_SPIP601.cfg, sip_SPIP601.cfg”, which will
override CONFIG_FILES=”phone1.cfg, sip.cfg” for an SoundPoint IP 601.
You can also add variables to the master configuration file that are replaced
when the phone reboots. The variables include PHONE_MODEL,
The following table shows the product name, model name, and part number
mapping for SoundPoint IP and SoundStation IP phones:
Product Name Model Name Product Part Number
SoundPoint IP 301 SPIP301 2345-11300-001
SoundPoint IP 320 SPIP320 2345-12200-002,
SoundPoint IP 330 SPIP330 2345-12200-001,
SoundPoint IP 430 SPIP430 2345-11402-001
SoundPoint IP 501 SPIP501 2345-11500-030,
SoundPoint IP 550 SPIP550 2345-12500-001
SoundPoint IP 560 SPIP560 2345-12560-001
SoundPoint IP 600 SPIP600 2345-11600-001
SoundPoint IP 601 SPIP601 2345-11605-001
SoundPoint IP 650 SPIP650 2345-12600-001
SoundPoint IP 670 SPIP670 2345-12670-001
SoundStation IP 4000 SSIP4000 2101-06642-001
SoundStation IP 6000 SSIP6000 3111-15600-001
SoundStation IP 7000 SSIP7000 3111-40000-001