Key Concepts About the VMC 1000
Polycom, Inc. 5
Each user is assigned one or more roles, which provide a package of
permissions allowing users of the role to perform tasks within the Polycom
VMC 1000 user interface. The VMC 1000 has three roles:
• Site Administrator
• Content Owner
• Viewer
Site Administrator
Site Administrator is the user who has complete access to all aspects of the
Polycom VMC 1000. The Site Administrator manages all aspects of the
Polycom VMC 1000 domain and manages all users, including Content Owners
and Viewers. Site Administrators also manage the domain messaging and the
domain configuration, which enables and disables a variety of features.
Content Owner
The Content Owner user is another administrator role. Content Owners have
fewer permissions than Site Administrators. Content Owners manage
Viewers, Programming, the Content Repository, and Reports. Content
Owners have the authority to add, edit, and delete Viewers; upload streaming
and downloadable resource files; add, edit, and delete channels and programs.
Content Owners manage only those channels and programs that they create.
The Viewer is a user who has been granted access to the Polycom VMC 1000
Viewer Portal.
A category is the top level of content hierarchy. A category is a container for
channels and programs within a domain. They provide an easy way for you to
organize content and for your audience to find it. A Site Administrator can
edit, add, and delete categories.
A channel is the middle level of content hierarchy. A channel is a container for
programs generally of the same subject matter. Channels are commonly used
to package a series of programs, or to provide your audience the option access
to a set of programs over time. Site Administrators and Content Owners can
edit, add, and delete channels.