Polycom VMC 1000 Broadcaster Guide About Programs
54 Polycom, Inc.
Reviewing Program Summary Information
To review Program Summary information:
1 Review the summary page for accuracy.
Complete Encode Only programs are always displayed as Suspended.
2 Click Finish to save your program.
Editing an Automated File Broadcast Program
To edit an Automated File Broadcast program:
1 Click Programming.
2 Click Programs.
3 Click the Program name for the automated broadcast program you want
to modify.
The Program Summary page is displayed.
4 You can edit any of the grouped properties by clicking the Edit icon for
that section.
Adding Program Information
To add program information:
1 Enter program Name.
This name appears to Viewers to identify the program.
2 Select a Channel in which to save this program if prompted.
3 Fill in descriptions and search keywords (this is optional).
The more keywords you enter, the more likely your program is to come up
in a program search.
4 Click Next to continue.