Chapter 9 Managing Media
Using the SNSM Media Functions
StorNext User’s Guide 223
1 From the SNSM home page, choose Add from the Media menu. The
Add Media screen appears.
Figure 168 Add Media Screen
2 Select the media type you want to add to the policy class.
3 Select from the Policy Class dropdown list the policy class to which
you want to add the media type.
4 Enter in the Number of Media field the number of media (of the
specified media type) you want to add.
5 Specify the format type: Delay or Immediate.
6 Click Apply when you are ready to add media to the policy class.
7 When the Status screen informs you that the media have been
successfully added to the policy class, click OK.
Removing Media From
the Storage Manager 9
Use this function to remove media from the StorNext Storage Manager.
When you use this function all files are removed from the selected media,
and the media is ejected from the library into the EIF (mailbox).