Creating a Disk-to-Disk Policy Class
StorNext User’s Guide 336
Use the fsaddclass command to create a new policy class by typing the
/usr/adic/TSM/exec/fsaddclass <policy_class_name> -a
<default_affinity> <destination_affinity> -i <relocation_time_in_days>
For example: /usr/adic/TSM/exec/fsaddclass dtdclass1 -a Aff1 Aff2 -i 1
The list of affinities includes the same affinities that were defined through
the GUI.
If you do not use the -i option (MinRelocTime), the default relocation
time of seven days is used.
If only one affinity is listed with the -a option, no relocation occurs
because a destination affinity is not defined. The first affinity listed after
the -a option is the default affinity.
Modifying a Disk-to-Disk
Policy Class 2
Use the fsmodclass command to modify an existing policy class by
typing the following:
/usr/adic/TSM/exec/fsmodclass <policy_class_name> -a
<default_affinity> <destination_affinity> -i <relocation_time_in_days>
For example: /usr/adic/TSM/exec/fsmodclass dtdclass1 -a Aff1 Aff2 -i 1
Manual Disk-to-Disk
Relocation 2
Use the fsrelocate command to perform manual disk-to-disk migration.
You can use this command to relocate a file from the current affinity to
another affinity, provided it meets these criteria:
• The file must be a non-zero sized file
• The file cannot be truncated
• The file cannot be specifically excluded from relocation via the
fschfiat command
For example:
/usr/adic/TSM/exec/fsrelocate /stornext/snfs1/data1/file1 -a Aff2
In the previous example, the file /stornext/snfs1/data1/file1 will be
relocated to affinity Aff2.