
d. Reinstall and connect the condensate trap, using the hose clamps to secure the various
condensate lines to their fittings.
e. Follow the instructions under NEAR BOILER PIPING forfilling condensate trap with
4. Inspection of the flue connector requires the following steps (Refer to the repair parts diagram.)
a. Loosen the clamp on the draft inducer end of the 2" flexible coupling that connects the
vent tee to the draft inducer. Disconnect (unplug) wiring harness from draft inducer motor
and draft inducer temperature safety switch. Remove four (4) bolts that attach draft in
ducer to flue connector.
b. Remove draft inducer and gasket from top of flue connector.
c. Inspect interior of flue connector. Any buildup of sediment or aluminum oxide on the
inside surface must be cleaned. Position the draft inducer gasket and the draft inducer
and fasten with four (4) screws. Be sure to connect ground wire from draft inducer motor
to one of the four mounting screws.
d. Connect wiring harness leads to the draft inducer motor and the draft inducer tempera
ture safety switch.
e. Connect the 2" flexible coupling to the draft inducer outlet.