This appliance is a gas-fired direct vent hot water boiler with cast aluminum boiler sections. A
revolutionary cast aluminum heat exchanger means better heat transfer and thermal storage than
similarly sized cast iron boilers, which results in higher efficiency. The heating system water absorbs large
amounts of heat from the cast aluminum heat exchanger, cooling the flue gases and causing
condensation. Sealed combustion, premix gas burner, and low flame temperature means drastically
reduced CO and NOx emissions, which contribute to a cleaner and healthier environment.
This appliance, unlike normal residential atmospheric and induced draft units, takes its combustion air
directly from the outdoors (sealed combustion) and does not compete with building occupants for fresh
air. Sealed combustion (also known as direct vent) is the safest and best way to obtain plenty of clean
combustion air. The induced draft fan draws in the outside combustion air, then takes the cooler flue
gases from the boiler unit and provides a positive removal of the flue gases from the building through
inexpensive and readily available PVC and CPVC pipes.