2,500 kHz
5,000 kHz
10,000 kHz
15,000 kHz
20,000 kHz
CHU in Canada: 7,335 kHz
VNG in Australia: 4,500 and
12,000 kHz
Longwave Band
The 150–519 kHz range is known as
the longwave band. Most stations in
this range serve as beacons for aircraft
and marine navigation by continuously
transmitting their call letters. Recep-
tion for this range is best between 6:00
PM and midnight (your time).
Some ships also use this range, with
500 kHz set aside as an international
distress and emergency station.
Most stations in this range use CW
(Morse code), although some use AM
voice transmission for weather broad-
The following list contains some of the
more frequently heard stations. All sta-
tions broadcast in English unless oth-
erwise specified.
You can hear these stations through-
out North America. However, recep-
tion varies based on the season, time
of day, and a number of other condi-
This information can change at any
time. For sources of yearly, up-to-date
listings, see “Reference Sources” on
kHz Station Location Remarks
3,223 Radio SR Swaziland
3,265 Radio Mozambique Maputo, Mozambique
3,300 Radio Cultural Guatemala City,
Religious Programs
3,380 Radio Iris Esmeraldas, Ecuador Programs in Spanish
3,385 FR3 Cayenne,
French Guiana
Programs in French
3,396 Radio Kaduna Kaduna, Nigeria
4,750 Radio Bertoua Bertoua, Cameroon
20-219.fm Page 25 Wednesday, August 4, 1999 9:23 AM