1. Remove the HEPA Neutralizer
a. Using a screwdriver, remove the panel from the back of the Rainbow by
pressing up on the two latches on the underside of the rear panel.
b. Move the bottom of the rear panel towards you, lifting up.
c. Remove the HEPA Neutralizer.
2. Rinse the HEPA Neutralizer
a. Place the dirty HEPA Neutralizer in the sink, oval opening facing up.
b. Fill the oval opening in the HEPA Neutralizer with cool water from a
faucet until the water comes out of the opening. Continue to let the
water run over the HEPA Neutralizer for approximately one minute.
c. Turn o the water supply. Turn the HEPA Neutralizer over and tap into
the sink so that the water escapes from the oval opening.
d. Repeat steps B and C until no substantial amount of dirt is seen coming
out of the HEPA Neutralizer.
e. Shake the HEPA Neutralizer briskly, with oval opening facing down, to
remove any excess water.
f. To reinstall the HEPA Neutralizer and rear panel, follow the instructions
in reverse order.
3. Dry the HEPA Neutralizer
a. Begin with an empty water basin. Set the Rainbow on the edge of
a towel or other absorbent cloth, such that the vent door side of the
Rainbow is facing the cloth or towel.
b. Install the airow adaptor onto the front of the Rainbow to
dampen noise.
c. Run the Rainbow on low speed for a minimum of 5 hours and then on
high speed for l/2 hour to dry the HEPA Neutralizer.
d. Excess water from the rinsing process may be emitted onto the towel
or absorbent cloth during the high speed portion of the ½-hour
drying time.
e. If cleaning ability is not adequately restored after the HEPA Neutralizer
is dry, contact an Authorized Rainbow Distributor.
If you observe a decrease in the performance of your Rainbow you should inspect the HEPA Neutralizer. It may require
cleaning. Carefully follow these directions to clean the HEPA Neutralizer. We recommend that you have an Authorized
Rainbow Service Center inspect your HEPA Neutralizer after two years of use. After ve years of use, the HEPA
Neutralizer should be replaced (by an Authorized Service Center) to ensure your Rainbow performs its best.
HEPA neutralizer maintenance
WARNING: Unplug the Rainbow before servicing.
CAUTION: Do not operate the Rainbow without the HEPA Neutralizer.
NOTE: Do not use detergent or soap to wash the HEPA Neutralizer—use clean
water only.