
Chapter 13: Programming Features
The commands and functions in the VARS menu can be
displayed on the screen. Current setting data can also be reset.
The results of arithmetic functions can also be displayed.
The ZOOM command is selected directly from the ZOOM menu.
Names of some ZOOM commands change when inserted into
programs. These are [A ZOOM], [C POWER], [D EXP], [E
TRIG], and [F HYP] of the ZOOM menu.
“Zm_” is automatically added to each of these functions when
inserted into programs.
Zm_Auto, Zm_x
, Zm_sin, etc.
Always enter the argument for functions requiring an argument
at the end of the command, such as the CALC function (@
k). An error will be returned for commands not accompa-
nied by an argument.
Value 5
Set Xmin =
-3, Xmax = 10, Xscl = 1, Ymin = -5, Ymax = 5, Yscl =
1 in the WINDOW screen.
Use R to input the settings.
Expression Operational sequence
-3 Xmin _ 3 R @ z B E A 1 E
10 Xmax 10 R @ z E 2 E
1 Xscl 1 R @ z E 3 E
-5 Ymin _ 5 R @ z E 4 E
5 Ymax 5 R @ z E 5 E
1 Yscl 1 R @ z E 6 E
* Operation to input a function equation (for example, x
+ 2) to
the graphic equation “Y1” is also made using R in the same
manner as described above.
+ 2” Y1: P A 2 X y + 2 P
A 2 R @ z A E A 1
Note: Function equations cannot be assigned in the graphic equations,
such as Y1, if the EDITOR mode under SET UP is set to Equa-
tion. Switch the EDITOR to One line mode prior to assigning such
graphic equations.