Chapter 2: Operating the Graphing Calculator
TAB: Sets the number of digits beyond the decimal point (0 through 9).
The default is “9”.
COORD: Sets the calculator to various graph coordinate systems.
Rect Rectangular coordinates (default)
Param Parametric equation coordinates (for Advanced mode
Polar Polar coordinates (for Advanced mode only)
Seq Sequential graph coordinates (for Advanced mode
ANSWER: Sets the answer preference to various number formats.
Decimal (Real) Answers will be given in decimal form (default for
Advanced mode)
Mixed (Real) Answers will be given in mixed fractions, whenever
appropriate (default for Basic mode)
Improp (Real) Answers will be given in improper fractions, whenever
x±yi (Complex) Answers will be given in complex rectangular form (for
Advanced mode only)
r∠θ (Complex) Answers will be given in complex polar form (for
Advanced mode only)
EDITOR: Sets the editing style to one of two available formats.
Equation Formulas can be
entered in a "type it
as you see it ap-
proach" (default
One line Formulas will be
displayed on one line.