
Architecture Overview
The Series 200 control systems are very modular and scalable. The basic architecture
includes a master CPU board, from 1 to 8 Radio Control Boards (RCBs), and a backplane
to provide the interconnection between boards. Each RCB interfaces with an external
device such as a repeater, RF link, VOIP link, or computer and provides a basic signaling
interface that includes receive audio input, transmit audio output, COR (carrier present),
CTCSS/DCS decode logic input, and PTT (transmit control) output, serial radio control
I/O, and transmitter cooling fan output control.
The RCB can interface with many types of radio and computer equipment without
modification. In some cases, additional signal processing is required. The Series 200 is
designed to allow an additional signal interface board to be added to any of the RCB.
Optional signaling boards include special boards for microwave radio equipment, E&M
signaling, squelch detect, CTCSS tone generation, CTCSS detection, low pass filtering,
high pass filtering, TTL to RS-232 conversion, etc. The optional signaling interface
boards bolt on to the RCB to form a board pair or “module”.
A control system may be as simple as a CPU board, a single RCB and a short backplane.
A fully configured system may occupy an entire 19 inch card rack and contain a CPU,
up to 8 RCBs each with its own special signaling interface board, optional system
interface boards, and a large backplane and power supply board. In any configuration,
the system uses exactly the same CPU and RCB boards so a small system can easily
grow into a large system by simply adding more boards. Additionally, the software that
runs on the smallest configuration is exactly the same as the software for the largest
The modular nature of the Series 200 control system make it not only easy to upgrade,
but also very easy to maintain. Boards can be quickly replaced from the front of the card
Very modular. Very scalable. Easy to maintain.