
C404 (u) Set remote base radio frequency in Hz
Syntax is C404rffffffffff, where r is the logical port number and
ffffffffff is the absolute frequency in Hz. The maximum value is 2^32
Hz, or a little over 4 GHz. For radios capable of higher frequencies, the
frequency entered is interepreted as 10's of Hz.
C405 (u) Set remote base radio frequency last digit of MHz and kHz
Syntax is C405rfffff, where r is the logical port number and fffff is the
frequency offset from the last set frequency value truncated to the nearest 10
For example, C402146D sets the frequency to 146 MHz. However, the C405
value will be added to 140 MHz. A subsequent C40526520D sets the
frequency to 146.52 MHz.
C406 (u) Set remote base radio frequency interactively Not yet implemented
C407 (u) Set remote base radio repeat mode
Syntax is C407rnnn, where r is the logical port number, and nnn designates
the repeat mode, as follows:
C408 (u) Set remote base radio repeat offset
Syntax is C408rnnnnnn, where r is the logical port num
ber, and nnnnn is
the odd repeat split offset, in kHz. Plus or minus is indicated by the set repeat
mode command.
C409 (u) Set remote base radio repeat reverse
Syntax is C409r, where r is the logical port number.
This command swaps transmit and receive from
the normal setting (the
previous set frequency value is the transmit frequency instead of the receive
frequency). The state of this mode after entering any of the set frequency
commands is radio type dependent.