Multi Program 2
Chapter 1 MVS-8000 Functions
For details, see “Differences Between Multi Program 2 Mode and Standard
Mode” (page 242).
Sequence of Operations in Multi Program 2
Basic operation sequence
Enter the BZS-8200 install key (first time only)
Set Multi Program 2 operating mode for each switcher bank
Assign output signals, and set the background configuration, key
configuration, and key preview configuration
For each switcher bank, make a main/sub assignment (one of main dedicated,
sub dedicated, and main and sub shared)
For a switcher bank assigned to main and sub shared, assign the [MAIN] and
[SUB] delegation buttons
Create the main and sub images
Execute the transition
Optional operations
• Making cross-point settings
• Enabling DME wipe operations for sub
• Inhibiting utility 2 bus signal selection
• Including Multi Program 2 data in keyframes and snapshots
• Changing the key assignment for each output
• Assigning sub preview output to preview selection buttons in the fade-to-
black control block
• Changing the matrix size to Standard
• Making settings for keyframe timeline operation
Basic Operations (Required)
Entering the BZS-8200 install key (first time only)
After installing the BZS-8200 Multi Program 2 software in the switcher, carry
out the following procedure.