279Names and Functions of Parts of the Control Panel
Chapter 2 Menus and Control Panel
a Timecode display
This shows the current time (CURRENT)
and the start and stop point timecode values
for the current reference device (START
TC, STOP TC). When you press a device
selection button, the button lights, selecting
the assigned device as the reference device,
and displaying its setting value.
In the case of the [SBOX] buttons, the
display does not change. When the
operation applies to a VTR/disk recorder,
the displayed setting value depends on
whether the [TIMELINE] button is on or
off, as follows.
When the [TIMELINE] button is on:
Displays the start and stop points of the
last set keyframe on the timeline. When
the keyframe number is changed and
the last register and keyframe change,
the display also changes. (timeline
setting mode)
When the [TIMELINE] button is off:
Displays the Cueup & Play (rewind
action) start and stop points.
b Device selection buttons
These buttons are used for selecting
assigned external devices or frame memory
clips. Each button can only be assigned to a
single device. Carry out the assignment in
the Setup menu (see “Overall Control
Panel Settings (Config Menu)” in Chapter
16 (Volume 2)). To select an assigned
device, press the corresponding button,
which lights green. To select more than one
device simultaneously, hold down the
button for the first selection, while pressing
the buttons for the other selections in turn.
The second and subsequent selected
buttons light amber. If you press another
button without holding down the first
selected button, the second button will be
the reference device and light green.
DEV: Assign external devices DEV1 to
FM CLIP: Assign frame memory clips
FM1 to FM8.
Device selection buttons can be set as
SBOX buttons or DELAY button in the
Setup menu.
c SBOX (shotbox) buttons
Assign a shotbox saved in registers 1 to 99.
When you press a button, the assigned
shotbox is selected, and executed. Carry out
the assignment in the Setup menu (see
“Overall Control Panel Settings (Config
Menu)” in Chapter 16 (Volume 2)).
SBOX buttons can be set as device
selection buttons or DELAY button in the
Setup menu.
d DELAY button
When pressed, this button lights green, the
numeric keypad control block display
changes to DELAY__ : , and you can set
the start delay time for the selected device.
The setting range is from 00:00 to 59:29
(depends on the video format). This button
goes off when another timecode setting
button ([START TC], [STOP TC], [SET
DUR]) is pressed. Carry out the assignment
in the Setup menu (see “Overall Control
Panel Settings (Config Menu)” in Chapter
16 (Volume 2)).
The DELAY button can be set as a device
selection button or an SBOX button in the
Setup menu.
e Editing buttons
These buttons set start and stop points.
These operations are only valid while a
device is selected with the device selection
START TC: Press this button to set the
timecode of the start point at that time.
The timecode of the start point is
updated to the current time each time
this button is pressed.
When the device the operation applies