NWZ-S636F / S638F / S639F / S736F / S738F / S739F .GB.4-110-117-11(1)
Symptom Cause/Remedy
Thumbnails are not
Songs do not have co
ver art information whose file
format is supported by the player.
Thumbnails are displayed only when songs have
cover art information whose file format is supported
by the player.
ransfer again using t
he bundled Windows Media
Player 11, or another transfer capable software.
Thumbnail nam
e does not match its video, or the
video is not in the correct location.
Place a JPEG file of the s
ame name as the video
into the folder under the “VIDEO” folder.
If the photos do no
t have thumbnails that are
complied with Exif file format, the thumbnails
cannot be displayed.
etransfer the ph
otos using bundled Media
Manager for WALKMAN.
Cover art is not
Cover art inform
ation is not included with the data.
The cover art only a
ppears if the cover art
information is included.
You can set cover art using the bundled Windows
Media Player 11, or another transfer capable
software for setting cover art. For details on
operation, refer to the Help or maker of the
ome cover art is n
ot displayed, depending on its
file format.
The player cannot format.
The remaining batt
ery is low or insufficient.
Charge the ba
ttery by connecting the player to a
running computer (
page 23).
The player’s power was
inadvertently turned off,
and then on again.
f a malfunction o
ccurs, the player turns off, and
then on again automatically.
The player does not work
e computer is st
arted or restarted while the player
is connected to it.
Reset the player b
y pressing the RESET button of
the player. Disconnect the player when you start
or restart the computer.
Operation (continued)