NWZ-S636F / S638F / S639F / S736F / S738F / S739F .GB.4-110-117-11(1)
Additional Information
About sample data*
The player is pre-installed with sample data.
If you delete the sample data, you cannot restore it, and we will not supply any
replacement data.
In some countries/regions some sample data is not installed.
The recorded song is limited to private use only. Use of the song
beyond this limit requires permission of the copyright holders.
ony is not resp
onsible for incomplete recording/downloading or
damaged data due to problems of the player or computer.
epending on the typ
e of the text and characters, the text shown on
the player may not be displayed properly on device. This is due to:
The capacity of the connected player.
The player is not functioning normally.
Content infor
mation is written in language or character that are not
d by the player.
About the customer support Web site
If you have any questions or issues with this product, or would like information
on compatible items with this product, visit the following web sites.
For customers in the USA: http://www.sony.com/walkmansupport
For customers in Canada: http://www.sony.ca/ElectronicsSupport/
For customers in Europe: http://support.sony-europe.com/DNA
For customers in Latin America: http://www.sony-latin.com/index.crp
For customers in other countries/regions: http://www.sony-asia.com/support
For customers who purchased the overseas models: