
1.3. For your safety
The op er a tors of this unit must be at least 16 years old.
Be fore ini tial op er a tion, read this op er at ing man ual care fully. Ob serve all points.
In quire in case of un cer tain ties.
This will avoid dan ger to per sons and dam age of material!
Store this op er at ing man ual in such a way that it is al ways avail able on the site of
op er a tion for the unit. Faulty op er a tion may lead to accidents!
Note that, for rea sons of clar ity, not ev ery pos si ble case of op er a tion or main te -
nance can be men tioned.
Note the in struc tions for safety and the dan ger signs on the unit.
This will avoid dan ger to per sons and dam age of ma te rial!
All work on the unit may only be car ried out by per sons whose qual i fi ca tion cor re -
sponds with the in di vid ual chap ters of the op er at ing man ual.
Faulty op er a tion may lead to accidents!
For all types of work on the unit, proper work ing clothes must be worn.
This will avoid dan ger to per sons!
Com pare the con nected loads to those of the mains sup ply.
Dan ger of elec tri cal shock!
When us ing lift ing gear, ob serve the spe cific in struc tions.
Dan ger of ac ci dents!
Ob serve the lo cal reg u la tions and re quire ments con cern ing the plant.
In ter rupt the mains sup ply for all types of work on elec tri cal com po nents.
Dan ger to life due to elec tri cal shock!
SSV 05
Safety in struc tions 9