
4.1. Prep a ra tions
Check whether the in jec tor tube is in serted in the ma te rial to be con veyed.
Switch on the com pressed-air sup ply.
Switch on the con veyor unit at the con trol and main te nance unit.
The con veyor unit should now con vey un til the con veyor hop per is filled up to the
level probe.
4.2. Ba sic set ting of the fill ing level in the con veyor hop per
The fill ing level in the con veyor hop per is mainly de ter mined by the level probe.
Fill ing level too low
By means of a screw driver, turn the ad just -
ment screw of the level probe (A)
¼ ro ta tion coun ter clock wise.
Ob serve the fill ing level dur ing the next con -
vey ing pro ce dure.
Re peat the pro cess un til the de sired fill ing
level in the con veyor hop per is reached.
Fill ing level too high
By means of a screw driver, turn the ad just ment screw (A) of the level probe ¼ ro -
ta tion clock wise.
Ob serve the fill ing level dur ing the next con vey ing pro ce dure.
Re peat the pro cess un til the de sired fill ing level in the con veyor hop per is
SSV 05
Set-up 22