4 SATSA Installation Guide • July 2004
Running the SATSA 1.0 Reference
Running the SATSA 1.0 Reference Implementation involves two steps:
■ Starting the MIDP 2.0 emulator
■ Starting the Java Card (CRef) emulator
Starting the MIDP 2.0 Emulator
The SATSA 1.0 Reference Implementation is based on the MIDP 2.0 code base. To
start the MIDP 2.0 emulator that incorporates the SATSA API, do the following:
1. Start up a Windows 2000 command shell window.
2. Type:
This displays the MIDP 2.0 device emulator screen.
Note – Successful interaction with the MIDP 2.0 device emulator requires several
setup steps that are outside the scope of this document, such as writing an HTML
page to point to the sample midlet suites and running a web server such as Apache
or TomCat to handle the HTTP requests sent by the emulator. For more
information, see Using MIDP and Creating Midlet Suites, in the MIDP 2.0
documentation set.
Starting the Java Card Emulator
The SATSA 1.0 Reference Implementation works in conjunction with the Java Card
platform 2.2.1 Reference Implementation. The Java Card platform 2.2.1 Reference
Implementation include a Java Card platform emulator called CRef that simulates
the functionality of a security element.
To simulate the SIM Application Toolkit (SAT) environment for the SATSA-APDU
package and to provide the PKI functions the SATSA-PKI package, the
corresponding instance of the CRef must use an EEPROM image contained in the
following file: