AES Advanced Encryption Standard. The successor to the DES algorithm. It has a
fixed block size of 128 bits and a key size of 128, 192, or 256 bits.
APDU Application Protocol Data Units. A protocol used to define the structure of
data messages exchanged between smart cards and smart card readers.
CLDC Connected Limited Device Configuration. In conjunction with MIDP,
provides the Java runtime environment for wireless and handheld devices.
DES Data Encryption Standard. The most well-known and widely-used symmetric
cryptographic algorithm.
J2ME Java 2 Platform, Micro Edition. A scaled-down version of the Java platform
specifically designed to run in the reduced memory space of a wireless,
handheld, or other small device.
J2SE Java 2 Platform, Standard Edition. The core Java technology platform.
Java Card A smart card that has the capability of running Java code.
JCP Java Community Process
). The process used by the world-wide
community of Java developers for formulating Java-based standards and
evaluating specifications.
JCRE Java Card Runtime Environment. The execution environment for Java Card
JCRMI Java Card Remote Method Invocation. A subset version of Java 2 Platform,
Standard Edition RMI, to be used with the Java Card platform.
JSR Java
Specification Request. A specification submitted to the Java
Community Process for consideration and review.
JVM Java
Virtual Machine.
The execution environment for Java programs.
MIDP Mobile Information Device Profile. In conjunction with CLDC, provides the
Java runtime environment for wireless and handheld devices.
PKI Public Key Infrastructure. The infrastructure used to create, exchange, and
manage user credentials, public and private keys, and digital signatures.
1.The terms “Java Virtual Machine” and “JVM” mean a Virtual Machine for the Java