TASCAM GigaEditor 4 Manual 151
An envelope, in its simplest terms, is a representation of a sound’s dynamic properties as they change over
time. All acoustic sounds have their associated envelopes. e three primary aspects of any given sound
that can be quantied in terms that can be manipulated by way of an envelope are amplitude (volume),
frequency (pitch), and harmonic content (timbre or lter).
e following explanations of the Envelope Parameters apply to both the Amplitude and the Filter
Envelope settings with one exception: the Filter Envelope does not have a Hold setting.
Pre-attack level (%)
e Pre-attack level is adjusted as a percentage of full amplitude (0 to 100). It is the very rst point on the
ADSR envelope and sets the initial volume level of the attack.
For example, a Pre-attack level of 50.00 sets the beginning of the attack envelope to half the potential
volume of the sample. is allows for a sample to begin at any level from silent to full volume.
Attack time (sec)
e attack time is measured in seconds (0.000-10.000).
is parameter sets the amount of time that it takes for the attack to reach its full volume. For most
instruments, this time will range from zero to at most a half second for a natural sounding instrument.
However extreme settings can be used for special eects to put a slow volume ramp up for each triggered
Decay 1 Time (sec)
e Decay 1 Time is measured in seconds (0.000-60.000).
is parameter sets the amount of time for the rst decay of the envelope. It decays from the peak level of
the attack down to the sustain level.
If a sample has a loop point, the Hold function will prevent the rst decay (Decay 1) from happening until
the sample has played through its entire loop one time.
is is handy for natural decaying instruments like Piano or Guitar that have small looped samples. When
Hold is set to “Yes” the sample will hold its volume until it plays through the loop. Once it has played
through the loop, it will then start the rst decay down to the sustain level. is can make for a more
realistic envelope for short looped samples. It gives them a little more of a natural personality despite the
articial looping.
Note: Hold is available on the Amplitude Envelope but not the Filter Envelope.
Sustain level (%)
e Sustain level is adjusted as a percentage of full amplitude (0 to 100).
Aer the rst decay dies down, the sample audio will sustain for a period of time depending on the Decay 2
settings. is setting determines the volume level of this sustaining portion.