TASCAM GigaEditor 4 Manual 169
Selects the modulation source for the lter, which may be the MIDI controller selected in the
Modulator CC drop-down menu, velocity, or a combination of the two.
Modulator CC
Any MIDI continuous controller can be selected to control the DEF. First select the ‘CC’
checkbox in the Modulator section then select your desired controller from the drop-
down menu located on the right-hand side of the dialog box.
Velocity (Spectral Interpolate Velocity)
Setting the modulator to velocity is also referred to as “Spectral Interpolate Velocity” or
"SIV" mode. In this mode, the curve of the DEF lter is controlled by note-on velocity,
creating a continuously variable velocity response. SIV mode can dramatically increase
the dynamic range of a sample set or instrument, greatly improving, and in some cases
eliminating, the typical “stair-step” sound of multi-sampled instruments.
Velocity + CC
By enabling both velocity and CC modulation control, the velocity response can be
biased, brighter or darker for instance, by the specied continuous controller. is was
added so that users or developers could create a knob for overall tone control of a DEF
enabled instrument.
Also track lter envelope
It is possible to modulate the DEF with the EG2 (lter envelope). is is always in addition to the
assigned controller for the DEF – the values of the EG2 envelope and MIDI controller are added
e normal multimode lters (Lowpass, Highpass, Bandpass, Bandreject) DO NOT have to be
running for EG2 to modulate DEF. EG2 values below 50% are subtracted from the runing CC
value, and EG2 values above 50% are added to the running CC value. e results of adding the
EG2 and CC values is subject to saturation, so the eective value always stays within the standard
range of the Continuous Controller.
Example: If the EG2 is at it's peak (100%) value, there is no upward CC modulation possible; If the
CC value is increased it will not do anything under this 'saturated' situation. However, decreasing
the CC Value in this situation will bring the saturated value back down.
Load from le
is option allows you to load a preset DEF conguration from a le. Several factory preset
proles are installed with GS4 and can be found in the following directory:
C:\Program Files\Common Files\TASCAM\Giga\profiles\Dynamic Expression
Note that DEF preset les store information from the region articulations as well as the instrument
global part of the DEF denition.
Save to le
Saves a DEF conguration, including both the global denition and region-level coecients, to an
initialization le that you can then apply to other instruments.
Aertouch Oset