Blu-ray Disc™ playback
The repeatsetting will becancelled when youstop playback.
The chapter,title or trackrepeat will becleared when movingto anotherchapter, title,
track /file.
Chapter andtitle repeat arenot available withsome scenes.
Repeating a specificsegment
1 Press the A-B button at the desired starting point A during playback.
2 Press the A-B button at the desired ending point B during playback.
The Blu-ray Disc™/DVD player automatically returns to point A and starts repeat playback
of the selected segment (A-B).
To resume normal playback press the A-B button and the A-B will disappear, meaning normal
playback has resumed.
Some discsmay not permitA-B repeat operation.
You canspecify a segmentonly within thecurrent title ortrack.
You cannotset the A-Brepeat function fora segment thatincludes multiplecamera angles.
PIP setting
Some Blu-ray™ discs have the PIP function enabling you to display the secondary video in the
primary video. You can call up the secondary video by pressing the PIP button when the scene
contains the secondary video. See the documentation that came with the disc for playback
1 Press the PIP button during playback to turn PIP mode On.
2 Press the 2nd. AUDIO button to turn the audio for the video in the PinP window On/Off.
(Sample Illustration) PIP view function
3 Press the PIP button to turn PIP mode Off and resume normal playback.
Not alldiscs are availablefor PIP and2nd Audio. Itonly appliesto Blu-ray™ Discsthat
support picture-in-picturefeatures and 2ndAudio.
Camera angle
Some BD-videoand DVD-videocontain scenes thathave beenshot simultaneously fromvarious
1 Press the ANGLE button during playback.
The selected angle is displayed on the display bar at the top of the TV screen.
(Sample Illustration) Selecting the desired angle
The first digit indicates the current viewing angle, and the second digit indicates the total
number of viewing angles.
2 Press the ANGLE button repeatedly to select the desired angle.
Primary video
Secondary video
Angle 1/3